independent and selective
nessarose thropp,
aka the wicked
witch of the east
of wicked the musical
as written and
loved by carly


INTRODUCTION. welcome to my rules ! i would really appreciate if you took the time to look them over to ensure the both of us have the best time here we possibly can . i don’t have a rules password or anything like that and trust that you’ve read these .GENERAL. i expect basic roleplay etiquette to be followed , which should go without saying . my blog is selective , which means that i will not roleplay with everyone and will pick and choose who i write with . if i don’t follow you back , it’s nothing personal -- i probably just cannot see our muses interacting or am very unfamiliar with the source material .FORMATTING. for formatting i use 70 x 70 icons with blockquotes , small text , all lowercase , and colored text . i understand that it is a lot , and if you need any adjustments made , feel free to send me a message and i will be happy to simplify it ! that being said , it doesn’t matter to me how you choose to format your posts .REPLIES. my reply length will vary from thread to thread , based on context and other such things . however , i will always do my best to match the length of my partner’s reply . i am very open to interacting with multimuse blogs and ocs , having multiple threads , and continuing threads from asks .TRIGGERS. i will do my best to tag anything as "tw __" . if i have missed something , please inform me so i can fix the mistake as soon as possible .
ACTIVITY. this blog will be low-activity , seeing as i am a very busy high school student who is involved in multiple extracurriculars and advanced courses , which can be time - consuming .SHIPPING. shipping is a possibility , but be warned that nessa may live up to her reputation . she can be emotionally manipulative , needy , and overall not the best person to be in a relationship with .NSFW. at the moment , there will be absolutely no nsfw content on this blog due to the fact that i am uncomfortable with it .CREDITS. i made the psd , icon border , and edits that you see on this blog . please do not steal them . i am not affiliated with wicked , gregory maguire , stephen schwartz , winnie holzman , or catherine charlebois . this blog is simply for my own entertainment .DISCLAIMER. i feel it's necessary to state that ooc ≠ ic ! anything my muse may say or do in a thread does not align with my own views and i truly hope that you do not take anything i may say in character to heart .MUN. hello , i’m carly ! i live in the est timezone , use she / her pronouns , and am eighteen years old . i enjoy writing , singing , astrology , and theatre . i also love to meet new people , so feel free to send me a message !

FULL NAME. nessarose thropp |
NICKNAMES. nessa, nessie |
TITLES. the eminent thropp , the wicked witch of the east |
GENDER. cisgender woman |
PRONOUNS. she / her |
AGE. eighteen ( in main verse ) , but is verse dependent |
SPECIES. human |
birthdate. july twelfth |
zodiac. cancer sun , aries moon , taurus rising |
myers-briggs. entj |
residence. munchkinland |
occupation. student, future / current governor of munchkinland |
religion. unionist |
parents. melena thropp ( mother , deceased ) and frexspar the godly ( father ) |
siblings. elphaba thropp ( older sister ) and sheltergod thropp ( younger brother , only in the novel ) |
acquaintances. galinda upland , fiyero tigelaar , boq |
FACECLAIM. catherine charlebois |
HAIR. in her youth, it is often pulled back with a headband, long, and straight. later in her life, and during her career, it can often be seen in a low bun. her hair is always well maintained and presentable. it is dark brown in color. |
SKIN. fair skin with a rosy undertone. it is smooth, soft, clear and, in the sun, seems to glow. |
POSTURE. almost perfect. she is almost always sitting straight backed and up as tall as possible with her chin up. |
HEIGHT. 5'6" / 168 cm |
VOICE. her normal speaking voice is low, but can become higher when she gets excited or super passionate. she tends to speak short sentences and truly think about what it is that she’s saying ( unless she is upset ) . voice claim is catherine charlebois. |

nessarose is a natural-born leader and possesses great leadership skills such as good work-ethic and ambition. when she cares deeply about a topic, she becomes excellent at debating. however, she is not great at multitasking and usually struggles due to a one - track mind. she has a knack for magic , but sadly only discovered it near the end of her life.PERSONALITY.
nessarose is, overall, very entitled. she wants what she wants and will do anything to get it, whether it be ambitiously or manipulatively. despite not being very smart, she is extremely clever and with a few right words and actions can have someone wrapped around her finger.nessa is emotionally unstable and often finds in unbearable to deal with more than one basic emotion or even one complicated emotion because as a child she never taught herself how to process and cope with these feelings correctly. she can be very kind to some people and cruel to others, usually just depending on her first impression of them. at times, she can be quite caring and thoughtful to others but also expects people to act the same back to her at some point.most times, she is very insensitive about things and doesn’t think about the consequences of what she says. nessarose can be very judgmental but will never let others know how she feels about them unless they taunt or provoke her to. in addition, nessarose has proved to become very aggressive when she becomes overwhelmed with emotions.she also is very faithful and will often follow another blindly, expecting them to be smarter than her. she is also extremely hypocritical and will go against her own words and actions in an instant . all of that being said , she is also very naïve and can be very gentle at times .
nessarose's mannerisms include wringing her hands , biting her bottom lip , reaching out to hold someone's hand , sighing often , avoiding eye contact in an awkward situation , and fixing her hair .STRENGTHS.
her strengths include leadership skills , determination , ambitiousness , and being disciplined .WEAKNESSES.
her weaknesses are her tendencies to be vain , stubborn , insensitive , strong - willed , over - dramatic , and hypocritical .

nessarose thropp was born to melena thropp , frexspar the godly, a devoutly religious man, and her sister, elphaba at colwen grounds in munchkinland. she came out with her legs all tangled and shortly after her birth, melena died due to complications. she was left to live with her father and sister.frex was taken aback by the sudden death, leaving him too heartbroken to take care of his children. his guilt consumed him. nessa was left to be taken care of by her older sister - who certainly wasn't old enough to care for her. this went on for years until frexspar snapped out of his funk, accepting that melena's death didn't have to be his fault if it was all done with good intentions. the blame is quickly placed onto elphaba. though he wants to, frex can never love either nessarose or elphaba but at least tries to emulate love by showering his younger daughter in gifts and kind words.nessarose develops an attachment to people and can’t bear to be alone for long - especially without her father or sister. she grows up thinking that the only thing in future will be to take her father’s position and is often underestimated.
many years later, nessarose is accepted into oz's most proud and prestigious schools, shiz university. her father allows her sister, elphaba to accompany her and also get an education, with the understanding that she is only truly attending to care for nessa. frexspar quickly leaves the two of them ( reminding elphaba to take care of nessarose ) , but not before giving his beloved daughter a parting gift - a pair of beautiful shoes, cobbled just for nessarose's feet and embedded with beautiful, silver gems. they quickly become one of the best gifts she's received. elphaba quickly tries to figure out their living arrangements, seeing as almost the whole period of travel frexspar explained to the both of them how important it would be to straighten that out first.upon asking madame morrible - the headmistress - about it, she acts surprised that there were two daughters instead of just one. she explains that their father never mentioned elphaba and that she had already arranged for nessa to stay with her. nessarose quickly tries to assure her sister that she'll be fine and that they will be able to see each other all the time still - but it isn't fine for elphaba. madame morrible dismisses everyone to their dormitories. elphaba gets upset and reveals to the school that she has special, magical abilities. nessa's chair wheels itself back to elphaba, scaring nessa. her sister quickly apologizes, nessa assuring her that it's alright - though it wasn't all alright. madame morrible insists that elphaba joins her sorcery seminar and nessa becomes very pleased. if she can be taught by someone skilled in magic, she'll be able to control herself and not have any more outbursts.
after the incident, she decides to lay low - seeing as everyone sees her as "the green girl's sister" or the one with the chair. one afternoon, when she is simply reading a book for her literacy class, a munchkin boy, boq, approaches her and reveals that he wants to ask her to go to the dance that night, but was too shy to do it ( until galinda encouragerized him ) , she becomes overjoyed, and giddily agrees. later that evening, elphaba tries to warn her that he may just be asking her to go because he feels pitiful and that if he was supported by galinda it would undoubtedly be so. getting upset, nessa pleads that her sister just try to be nice to galinda because she did something for her - whether it was genuine or not.nevertheless, she attends the dance that evening. her and boq stay on the side, drinking punch and watching from a distance. after an hour, she can see that boq is getting bored and tells him that she doesn't mind if he wants to dance - surprised when he admits to not enjoy it. boq begins to tell nessa his true intentions but, after seeing how sad she was after figuring it out, twists the statement into a declaration of how beautiful she is. soon, elphaba shows up to the party - wearing a simply ugly frock and terrible old hat. embarrassed, nessarose rushes away from her sister, boq following her.a few months later, boq and nessarose are still as happily dating as they can be. elphaba is invited to meet the wonderful wizard of oz due to her success in sorcery. nessarose was so proud that elphaba had once again regained control of her power and thought her father would be to. upon sending him a letter, she found out he was not.when elphaba didn't return, nessa was crushed - saddened greatly by the loss. as the years of schooling went on, sadness turned into anger of her sister abandoning her and leaving her to be all alone when she had never dealt with that before. she found comfort in glinda - and glinda found comfort in her, using her as a replacement for elphaba not being there.
the stress of elphaba's turn to evil had struck frexspar in an extremely negative way, leading to his slow death. nessa was devastated, feeling completely alone in the world. due to the passing of her father, nessarose was quickly pushed into the role of the governor, despite having just graduated from college months before. this new power struck nessa the wrong way, filling up her desire too fast. she quickly healed her own miserable loneliness by forcing boq to move back to munchkinland and serve her both in a relationship and as a butler. unfortunately, he kept finding loophole, so she had to become stricter and stricter, restricting the rights of all munchkins and not just him. everyday she hopes that boq will come to his senses and love her again, but everyday is another disappointment.
one day, years after their last encounter, elphaba shows up to their home. nessa is absolutely infuriated at her arrival and request for her to help elphaba with the evil deeds of her life. after ignoring her for so much time, she can’t believe that her sister has the nerve to ask her for help. naturally, she goes off on elphaba about how she abandoned her and left her to fend for herself. about how she has suffered from many losses, including that of their own father. as she goes on and on, she realizes how her sister has changed into exactly what the rumors claim. to nessa's surprise, elphaba performs a spell on her shoes from their father, granting the shoes the ability to move on their own. though very grateful, nessarose is more thrilled to tell boq of this news than thank her sister.she calls for boq to tell him of the news. he is not as thrilled as she had hoped and truly thinks that because she doesn't “need him” anymore that he is allowed to leave her to go pursue glinda. losing control, she takes the grimmerie, elphaba's spell book, and finds a spell to make boq lose his heart to her. not knowing the powers of the book and overestimating her little ability. the spell is casted quite literally and boq starts quickly dying due to his heart shrinking. without anything else to do, she begs elphaba to fix the mess she got herself into and, to her relief she does. elphaba warns her that once a spell is cast it cannot be undone, but that there were often other spells that could sort of contradict the first with minor consequences.while elphaba's magic commences, nessa's life flashes before her eyes. all the morally wrong things come back to her, and she realizes that she was just as wicked as the citizens of munchkinland say she is. her and her wicked self deserve each other. when elphaba finishes restoring boq's life, she leaves despite the pleading from nessa to stay. with one last conversation, elphaba is gone. a few moments later, boq wakes up, now made completely of tin, the only solution to his almost death. nessarose is frightened, but wants boq to stay and take care of and love her so, she tells a small lie. as boq realizes his new form, she screams and yells, blaming the whole thing on elphaba. a very believable story for a society obsessed with the evils of the wicked witch that was elphaba.the last few hours of her life are lived in solitude, and by the next morning she is crushed underneath a house after glinda suggests that madame morrible uses her as bait to draw elphaba out of hiding again.

VERSE 01. | act i
set during nessarose's years at shiz university. she is a young adult who is studying to eventually go back home and take over her father's position as governor. often times, she sticks to her own small social circle, but has the internal desire to reach out to others. this verse takes place during act I of the musical.
VERSE 02. | act II
set during nessarose's regime over munchkinland. she has become cruel and reliant on passing laws to get her way. by the public, she is known as the wicked witch of the east due to these practices. this verse takes place during act II of the musical.
VERSE 03. | modern
set in a modern au -- can be in a modern version oz or anywhere else. THIS AU IS THE DEFAULT FOR ANY HIGHSCHOOL SETTING AS WELL, BUT THOSE THREADS WILL BE ICONLESS.
VERSE 04. | AU
this is a verse i use for general aus that i may not have a particular verse for. aus may be discussed beforehand or not, it depends on the situation. this may sometimes be iconless, depending on the thread.
set anytime in the early years of nessa's life before attending shiz. threads in this verse will be iconless.
nessarose is a popular social media influencer and family vlogger, but behind the camera there is more drama than the public is lead to believe.